StoryTimes in Polish
Title: Wrobelek Elemelek I Jego Przyjaciele. Story Title: Jak w kostiumie Elemelka nagle zmiana zaszla wielka. (The story of how Elemelek’s costume suddenly changed) Author: Hanna Lochocka Illustrator: Zdzislaw Witwicki Published by Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, Poznan 1983, Poland
Title: Wrobelek Elemelek I Jego Przyjaciele. Story title: Jak choruje Elemelek, jak go lecza przyjaciele. (How ill is Elemelek, how his friends heal him.) Author: Hanna Lochocka Illustrator: Zdzislaw Witwicki Published by Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, Poznan 1983, Poland
Title: Wrobelek Elemelek I Jego Przyjaciele. Story title: Jak czerwony parasolik smokiem zostal mimo woli. (The story of how a red umbrella became a dragon) Author: Hanna Lochocka Illustrator: Zdzislaw Witwicki Published by Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, Poznan 1983, Poland
Title: Wrobelek Elemelek I Jego Przyjaciele. Story title: Telemelefonik. (Telemelephone) Author: Hanna Lochocka Illustrator: Zdzislaw Witwicki Published by Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, Poznan 1983, Poland